India is a country of opportnunities. Whatever you may be targeting, whether diversification of your portfolio, acquisitions and take overs, new business set up, new product launches, manufacturing facilities, Special Economic Zones, distribution & logistics, new clients for your products etc, we have customised solutions for all your needs. Few lucrative opportunities currently available with us are as under:

- Set up of Medical College and Hospital in Delhi NCR.
- Set up of 6 Medical College & Hospital Institutions in a state under PPP model.
- Chain of Super Speciality Hospitals (15-40 Beds) across India for complete acquisition.
- Chain of Tertiary Care Hospitals (100-400 Beds) for partial or full acquisition.
- Leading Group of Schools available for PE, partial or full acquisition.
- Multiple, Schools and Colleges available for complete acquisition.
- Multiple opportunities for investments in Jammu & Kashmir across diversified sectors.
- Private Equity Investments in profit making companies, working across a wide spectrum of services and products, varying from Highway Construction, Engineering, IT/ SAAS, Services, Telecom, Finance, FMCG, Ecommerce etc.
- Exclusive Government Contract for Fire Fighting Equipments across one State worth USD 100M+
- IT- SAAS contracts with Government of India and various State Governments worth USD 5- 500M.
- Supply & Service Contracts, Highway Contracts, Airport Contracts with GOI.