Our Policy - Accomplish all Tasks. Offer Results to Build Trust.
Our Strength - Analysis, Precision, Strategic Planning, Seamless Execution.
Our Tools - Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Knowledge, Networking, Experience.
I have graduated from IMD - International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland. I have worked with top global firms like J.P. Morgan & Company, U.S.A. and L.E.K Consulting, U.K. I later became a freelance consultant and founded R.J. Consultancy in 1998, as Management Consultancy Firm, headquartered at New Delhi, India. Driven by my expertise and rich experience of over 23 years in diversified industries, and with the assistance and support of our Experts & Consultants, RJ Consultancy has been serving its clients with pride & success. We have evolved, over the years, from a Management Consulting Firm to a Business Consultancy; offering comprehensive bouquet of services to its valuable clients across the globe.